Smart and Effective Parking Solutions for your academic organization and workplace.

QR enabled booking

Scan the QR for vacancies, select a slot and park and pay for your vehicle for the desired time.

IoT enabled parking

A centralized management system that allows drivers to use a smartphone app to search for and reserve a parking spot.

Navigate to your spot

Upon selection of the slot the navigation to reach the parking destination

1.Download the Parkspot App

Install the app from app/play store and sign into your account to find a parking slot near you

2.Select parking place

Choose your parking place and check the for available slots

3.Reserve your parking spot

Scan the QR to reserve on the spot or book it beforehand

4.Navigation to the spot

Upon booking our navigation system helps you reach your parking spot through maps

5.Choose time duration

Choose the duration of your parking and with the flexibility of extending it according to your work

6.Exit the slot

Upon completion of your work exit the slot